Squash from one volunteer plant This past year we had a lot of volunteer plants. The major difference between them and the ones we planted purposely is that the volunteers were a lot more prolific and produced much larger fruit. While I’ve had great luck with using the Moon Phases to plant them – better…
Celery root. Not one of the more glamorous characters on the produce aisle, surely. I mean – this is the part you DON’T eat when you grow celery for the stalks, right? Strange stringy-looking bulbs with little head-sprouts of greenery…they kind of look like those awful screaming mandrake-babies from the Harry Potter movies. But oh…
Our first average frost date is November 27th but generally the frosts don’t hit hard until late December and don’t really get serious until January. Well, this year has so far been far from normal, so I’m not quite sure why we thought the status quo would continue in term of average frost dates. While…
Do you have expertise in something and want to share it with others? We are always looking for guest post submissions. We’re looking for all sort of info, from growing food in containers to your favorite canning recipe to raising urban livestock and everything in between. Don’t have anything to write but still want to share?…
I love kitchen gadgets. LoveloveloveloveLOVE. The weirder and more obscure, the better. I have cabinets full of ricers, garlic slicers, mallets, weird whisks with funny bits for extra fluffy foams. I love my hand-crank pasta machine. I want an extruder. My stand mixer? We have an understanding that makes room for the boyfriend, but otherwise…
You may remember my post last month about Esperanza’s Kickstarter project for building an urban farmer directory. Well, she’s not done yet so if you’re interested in helping her out, even just $10 will help keep it going. In the mean time she’s started the beta site for it. Go check it out and create…
This isn’t going to be our usual farm and garden post. I just feel like writing about where I live today. I live in Vallejo. Generally everyone calls it V-town. It’s a city of about 120,000, which is about midsize for the San Francisco Bay Area. It has a beautiful downtown area with stately Victorians…