Around here January marks the beginning of bareroot season. Fruit trees become available in mass quantities and so many varieties it’s mind boggling. Our first year here we planted 16 bareroot trees almost immediately after moving in. Our second year we planted 9 more. I of course want more but have pretty much run out of room.
Along with trees, it’s also bareroot shrubs and vines that are offered. Everything from blueberries to grapes to roses.
So do you have plant to purchase and plant any bareroot plants this coming year?
I really want a Buddha's hand citron. And a bitter orange.
Are you going to the California Rare Fruit Growers Association's scion exchange in January? It was in Berkeley last year, and while none of my figs or mulberries made it, I'm determined to try again this year, now that I know about rooting hormone.
I need more elderberries. The two I have are not looking terribly thrilled, but this is probably because they're still potted up rather than in the ground.
A dwarf apple or pear would be nice. I have a medlar and have no idea if it is going to make it. A couple crab apples would be nice, too.
Is it too late now to plant barefoot trees? How can I tell?
Bareroot trees should be planted while they are dormant – before the buds swell. However, you can still plant fruit trees after this but they shouldn’t be bareroot anymore – i.e. they’ll be in pots.