Got a burning question to ask us? Want to know what to do with all that extra produce or all of those eggs? Want to know more about goats, chickens or rabbits? How about how to get rid of pests in your garden? Are you overwhelmed by the varieties of vegetables and fruits and want our advice on what to choose?
We’d love to hear from you! If you’re shy, just make your question anonymous. No question is ever dumb and I’m sure there are others out there wondering the same thing. If we don’t know the answer we will do the research and find out that answer for you!
So go ahead! Ask away….
Oo oo! I have a ton of mint, lavender, and rosemary in my garden. I've never done any of them so I'm not sure if I should dry them or freeze them or what before it gets too cold outside. Halp?
Any suggestions on how to prevent my squash from getting those nasty green worms that demolish the entire plant? I'm guessing these are squash vine borers and the offending egg layer is a brown moth. I'd rather not use poison, but I'm fed up. Thanks!
I admire what you are attempting to accomplish. We would really like to do the same thing. How long did it take for you to establish the garden, and get the chickens and the rabbits settled in.
We have had our home for just about a year now and gardening was a bear. I bought chicks in the spring and we are actually getting eggs(about 4 a day) and we are very excited about that, but have concerns about having meat birds. We have talked about rabbits also eventually. We live on a hilltop that is almost 3.5 acres and very wooded we are slowly going to work on the yard, but I don't see being able to support very many animals because of the layout…long story, sorry. Where do you suggest starting in order to get to the point that you are, what kind of time table would we be looking at?