Flickr of Inspiration – Nature’s Hearts
Hearts, originally uploaded by Matt Fitt Photography.
Hearts, originally uploaded by Matt Fitt Photography.
This is Tom and I on our wedding day. It’s one of my favorite pictures. Without Tom, Dog Island Farm wouldn’t exist. We inspire each other. We teach each other. And we learn together. We are a true partnership and I couldn’t imagine my life without him. Happy Valentine’s Day Sweetie!
I wrote last week about the farmer’s market, and about how I am trying to be more responsible about using the produce I bring home before it goes bad. I am happy to announce that we have made some very good changes to our kitchen paradigm, and have significantly reduced our produce waste. I…
We’ve been busy lately. Big and small projects alike. And the list just keeps going. This weekend we’ll be planting out seedlings, specifically peas, turnips, rutabagas, kale, spinach and lettuce. Last weekend our first intern, Brandy, came and helped us finish lining one of the big beds with rock. It looks fantastic. Just four more…
We came home yesterday after work to find that we had lost all of our herb, tomato, pepper, eggplant, and tomatillo seedlings. We were keeping them in a mini greenhouse since we still haven’t gotten around to building our big greenhouse. Well, it was really windy here today and it blew the greenhouse over. The…
I promised a photo of Lucy’s kits when they came out of the box. Well, as of Saturday they were 15 days old and still hiding in the back of the nest box. So I took it upon myself to remove them from the box and put them on the wire. All of a sudden…
I’ve never been one for New Years resolutions. Somehow nothing I promise myself in the dark cold of December/January ever sticks. Winter, for me, is a time of peaceful reflection. It’s a withdrawal, a hibernation of sorts. It’s a gathering-in and a taking-stock, but it is rarely an effective time to make any real changes….
Sunday we spent the afternoon at Rush Ranch just south of Suisun City on Grizzly Island. The ranch, which is run by the Solano Land Trust, was hosting a potluck lunch for Slow Food Solano that benefited local Solano County school garden program. The potluck was themed around the book Twain’s Feast: Searching for America’s…
Taggsvamp, originally uploaded by snarskank. Hedgehog season is coming up quickly. I’m excited to start foraging for these!