
Whole Foods has an interesting website called Let’s Retake Our Plate. I haven’t explored it entirely so I can’t speak for all of it. However, they do have a listing of movies showing around the country that I have not heard of before. Check out the link above for the full listing. Below are just…

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Wednesday’s Harvest

4′ Tall Artichoke Plants The artichokes are CRAZY! The lettuce is going strong too. The strawberries…not so much…yet. We aren’t currently weighing the strawberries. When they come in we wash them off and freeze them. When our bag is full we will then weigh them. So what’s this weeks harvest breakdown? It’s heavy on the…

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Thursday in the City- Earth Day

Apple Earth, originally uploaded by JD Hancock. I really look at Earth Day as similar to New Year’s. Everyone gets all excited and dressed up, makes all these goals only to be having money automatically pulled from your bank account every month for an unused gym membership. This is obviously a generalization and I am…

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Earth Day- Hayes Valley Farm

Earth Day On The Urban Farm Hey fans! If you’re in town this Thursday, bring yourself and your 36 friends down to the farm. Celebrate Earth Day while learning new skills, building new soil, and making a few new friends. We’re providing live music by talented local artist Pamela Parker and free food to keep…

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A Shout Out to Gardening Blogs

Instead of having our usual guest blog today, instead I want to give a shout out to all the wonderful gardening blogs I’ve come across recently thanks to Blotanical, a forum for garden bloggers to share their blogs with each other. Some of my favorites include: Curbstone Valley FarmDaphne’s DandelionsUrban Dirt BloomingwriterGarden RantThe Beer GardenTiny Farm BlogTown…

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Thursday in the City- Green Festival

So, I had two free passes to the Green Festival last weekend. I have been to so many of these over the years, but I figured lets go check it out and see if there is anything new. There were a variety of vendors, food, speakers, organizations and schwag. It is about the closest thing…

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