One thing I can do to be more self sufficient is dry my clothes outside, something my Grandmother did. My Mom did that too when I was really young. Then we moved to an area that didn’t allow it. I remember running through the clothes swaying in the wind and playing. I have seen it often in the city and I am going to give it a try.
Check out our entire clothes line photography Flickr Gallery here.
I can't wait for warmer weather to arrive in spring, so that I can hang my clothes out on the line. Nothing beats the smell of clothes, towels and sheets dried in the fresh air!
This was the norm when I was a child. We didn't have a clothes dryer. Strange thing was the last house we lived in, the neighborhood association had a ban on clotheslines, and considered them a visual blight!
That's how 99.99% of India dries our clothes too. Mechanical driers are a rarity here. But then with so much of sunshine going around, its a bit foolish to think of anything else, right?