Happy New Year!

I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year! I did a post earlier this month about our goals and accomplishments so I’m not going to rehash it. I do want to give a run down of how our garden did this year. Maybe you’ve seen our running total on the sidebar. Well, that will soon be replaced with 2011 totals. I want to make this more detailed though. So here goes nothin’:

Apples: 3.51 lbs
Apricots: 1.13 lbs
Artichokes: 40.9 lbs
Carrots: 3.71 lbs
Corn (sweet): 1.5 lbs
Cucumbers (pickling): 108.18 lbs
Cucumbers (slicing): 52.73 lbs
Beans (dry): 17 lbs
Beans (green snap): 17.89 lbs
Beans (green shelling): 25.02 lbs
Eggplant: 12.08 lbs
Leeks: 3 lbs
Lettuce: 12.82 lbs
Limes: 1 lbs
Melon: 10.51 lbs
Nectarine: 1.56 lbs
Onions (red): 8.61 lbs
Onions (yellow): 36.57
Parsnips: 9.93 lbs
Pears: 12.19 lbs
Peas (shelling): 27.4 lbs
Peas (snap): 7.9 lbs
Peppers (sweet): 4.51lbs
Peppers (hot): 3.02 lbs
Pomegranates: 4.63 lbs
Potatoes: 38.82 lbs
Pumpkins: 510 lbs
Spinach: 1.94 lbs
Squash (Summer): 85.73 lbs
Squash (Winter): 282.25 lbs
Strawberries: 12.83 lbs
Sweet Potatoes: 4.5 lbs
Swiss Chard: 5.6 lbs
Tomatillos: 55.63 lbs
Tomatoes: 328.55 lbs
Watermelons: 84.94 lbs
Total: 1,869 lbs

Eggs: 1,840
Honey: 2 lbs
Rabbit Meat: 6 lbs

We spent $2,448.85 on seeds, fruit trees, animal feed, tools, animals, irrigation, etc. We saved $6,565.92 in food by growing and raising it ourselves so we ended up saving a total of $4,117.07. I’d like to also point out that these were the numbers of what we harvested, but not of what we necessarily grew. Some things just didn’t get harvested in time and were wasted. Some bolted prematurely like our onions so they were wasted as well. Our fruit trees are also too young to really give us anything. Many aren’t even producing yet. And some things, like the spinach weren’t grown until this winter and we’re just starting to harvest. Also this year we spent a lot more than we will this coming year because we purchased a lot of plant material, esp. trees and installed an automatic irrigation system.

There is definitely room for improvement. We will be growing less of some crops and more of others. Squash has been our superstar this year even though it was unseasonably cool through most of the summer. I was hoping for 2,000 eggs this year. If we had put a light in the coop we would have achieved that, but we decided to let them have a rest.

I’m hoping to break 1 ton of food next year as we become more efficient.