We are offering a $40 Gift Certificate to CSN Stores. CSN Stores has over 200 online stores where you can find everything from dinnerware to dog beds to greenhouses!
I’m drooling, of course, over the greenhouses.
Or do I want an ACTUAL shed? The water tower just isn’t cutting it.
Just leave us a comment here and on Friday, July 30th we’ll pick a winner at random.
Hi I just stumbled upon this blog and I've got to say I'm loving it so far! Can't wait for more posts!
Thanks Jayke! I'm happy to hear that you are enjoying it!
Greenhouse! Thanks for introducing me to CSN. I had no idea.
The greenhouse is pretty…but for us…a shed. I sooooooo need a shed. I should check out their selection as I hadn't heard of CSN before!
WOW! How did I not know about this CSN Stores site!?
I also wanted to thank you for doing that entry on companion planting. I recently finished organizing my new garden plans using your chart.
I can't wait to see how it will work out!
love the greenhouse!
Thanks for showing me this site, can't wait to read up on all your information!
I'm always inspired by your blog – miss you (that would be Rachel;-) and Tom. The old back yard just isn't the same. Glad to be introduced to the CSN site … just what I need, another place to shop!
Janice, we miss you guys too! We love our current neighbors but it's just not the same.
<3 greenhouses are lovely
OOH Greenhouse definatley greenhouse. A room to play around in.
Love your blog! You always have the greatest tips… you are definitely an inspiration, as I try little by little to be more self sustaining (baby steps!)
That greenhouse would be so amazing!
I'm sure I would probably, more likely, actually get a mandaline food slicer which would make my cooking (and canning!) SO much easier. Thanks for sharing!
Well, I could use any of those items. 🙂 fun post!
What an awesome green house! I'd love one. Like your blog!
Oh Oh Ohhh – Pick me – I need a wheel barrow! Thanks for the giveaway!
Greenhouse?! Do want!
Or anything else they make. Great stuff! 😉
ooooooh, I need a shed so bad! Thanks for letting us know about the CSN site.
I just realized you are Daren's friends. I read about your farm when he originally "liked" it but didn't make the connection. I'm Daren's aunt in Benicia. The farm sounds very cool! Keep up the good work.
Greenhouse! …The shed is nice too, tho. 🙂 I stumbled upon your page here, and great job on the site. I will definitly be back.
Thank you so much for having this contest! There are all kinds of pots and pans I am drooling over at CSN!
elenna @ sbcglobal.net
Greenhouse! Yes!
That greenhouse is beeyoootiful!
Thanks for the contest! We already have a shed, so the greenhouse would be cool!
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
The greenhouse would be awesome to own!
Pudyqat2 {at} aol.com
Either one is great – greenhouse will be way more fun!