We came home yesterday after work to find that we had lost all of our herb, tomato, pepper, eggplant, and tomatillo seedlings. We were keeping them in a mini greenhouse since we still haven’t gotten around to building our big greenhouse. Well, it was really windy here today and it blew the greenhouse over. The greenhouse is definitely worse for wear. The front door doesn’t want to stay on anymore. It will definitely help keep us motivated to get going on building the big greenhouse. We spent most of the evening after work cleaning up the mess and replanting all of the seedlings. The plastic over the citrus trees to protect them from frost are of course still in place. Go figure.
Oh no! Can your current one be rebuilt/stabilized for now?
We're building a greenhouse this weekend! The roommate came home with some (donated) big panes of glass and Rick is drawing up a plan for the structure.
I'm tired of having to start my seeds in the garage under a fluorescent light.
Yeah, that was some wind wasn't it? We have a mini-greenhouse (pop-up one the wife found an awesome deal on) with all our seedlings in it. I didn't want to get up, but it was windy enough that @ 1am we were out with rubber mallets blearily staking down the structure best we could.
Ahh the joys of trying to do stuff.
The wind was crazy here too yesterday. The gusts kept scaring the chickens as they knocked tons of debris out of the trees. I'm sorry about all your seedlings, and your greenhouse. I suppose on the bright side, it's still very early in the season, and you have time to restart them.
i was just going to post something about the wind today! spring is here.