Some Changes

I was going to publish this long post I had written about the City of Oakland, Novella, and the animal rights activists that want to ban all livestock but after writing it (which was very cathartic) I decided to just leave it be. Kitty over at Havenscourt Homestead did a pretty good job hitting most of the points anyways.

That said, we’re going to be making some changes around here because of the controversy going on and some of the things that have happened recently behind the scenes in our community.

Unfortunately we’re no longer going to be offering tours or demonstrations unless we know you in person and trust you. There will also be some changes in regards to the our yearly potlucks as well. It will still be held but we’ll be limiting the guest list to people we know in person (if you made it out to either of our last two potlucks you’ll still be invited so no worries there).

It totally sucks. I really want to share this amazing lifestyle with people that are interested in it. However, first and foremost, I must consider the health and happiness of my family and animals and right now it’s just not possible to do both safely.

Of course I’ll still be blogging and I’m more than happy to answer anyone’s questions. I will even continue to teach classes offsite. Maybe once things simmer down we can begin giving tours again but for now they’ll have to be shelved. I hope you all understand.