We’re doing plant starts again this year – peppers and tomatoes. We will also be doing artichoke plants again and will be offering a special promotion (see below). We sell out quickly, especially with some varieties so wanted to give you all a chance to pre-order them so you can get the varieties you want but even with pre-orders, if you wait too long we can’t guarantee that you will get those varieties. We will also be increasing our production along with adding more varieties. If you want specific varieties please let me know (contact us below) and I will make sure I have plants set aside for you. They are $3.50 each or 3 for $10.
We will also be offering a limited number of grafted tomatoes, which will be grafted onto Non-GMO rootstock that is disease resistant to Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Leaf Mold, Verticillium Wilt, Fusarium Wilt (0, 1, 2) and Fusarium Crown Rot. Has intermediate resistance to root-knot, nematodes and Tomato Spot Wilt Virus. They will be $7.00 each or 3 for $20. I can graft any variety to the rootstock so if you really need grafted tomatoes let us know as soon as possible so we can graft them for you.
They will be available for planting around mid March. We will also hopefully be selling them again at Moschetti’s and The Hub Vallejo.
For the last two years we’ve attended a tomato tasting and then held our own tomato tasting event. Our primary focus was finding tomatoes that were not only productive but also had exceptional flavor. Some of the varieties we grew last year didn’t make the cut but we found many more to take their place.
Hot Peppers
| Name | Description |
 | Anaheim (Nu Mex Joe E. Parker) | These are the perfect roasting peppers. The thick skin easily blisters and can be peeled away after roasting. They are mild to medium heat. Not quite as productive as the smaller hot peppers, but they do give a good harvest when picked continuously. |
 | Ancho Gigantea (Poblano) | Relatively mild, productive pepper that is great dried or roasted. This is the standard pepper for stuffing. Green peppers are called Poblanos and red peppers are Anchos. |
 | Jalafuego Hybrid | One of the few hybrids we offer, this is one of the hottest and most prolific jalapeno on the market. We don’t get real warm here to encourage jalapenos to get hot, so we’re hoping this variety will deliver. |
 | Joe’s Long Cayenne | An Italian hot pepper, this heirloom variety has medium heat and is great for hot sauce or for drying to make hot pepper flakes. A heavy producer of thin-walled red peppers up to 12″ long. |
 | Mustard Habanero | I got several emails this past year from people that were very happy with these plants. If you want your peppers to be spicy make sure to grow them next to a habanero plant. This was a trick I learned from a friend and was surprised to find out that it works! These are productive plants with EXTRA HOT peppers. |
 | Pimiento de Padron | We grew these last year and they started out delicious but as summer rolled on they became increasingly hot. This year we’re trying a different seed vendor. They are usually a mild, small Spanish pepper that is traditionally fried. Sometimes you’ll get a hot one. They are fantastic stuffed with a bit of goat cheese before frying. |
 | Serrano | Another very productive pepper with thick walls that are perfect for making hot sauce. The original variety used to make Sriracha Hot Sauce. Also very hot, but not as hot as the Cayenne Slim. |
 | Thai Hot | Extremely hot variety from Thailand. Clusters of bright red, thin fleshed fruits stand straight up. Popular pepper used in Asian cuisine. |
Sweet Peppers
| Name | Description |
 | California Wonder | The standard green and red bell pepper for California. Good production with thick walled fruits. |
 | Golden CalWonder | A yellow version of the dependable California Wonder pepper. Thick-walled peppers and sweet and meaty on productive plants. |
 | Jimmy Nardello | We got a LOT of requests to grow this pepper. It looks like it will be hot but ends up being incredibly sweet and flavorful. It’s an Italian frying pepper that is productive and has earned itself a place on Slow Food’s “Ark of Taste.” |
 | Orange Sun | A deep orange bell that is thick-walled and very sweet. |
 | Roumanian Rainbow | An early bell that starts ivory and slowly changes to orange and then red. Peppers are very sweet on short, compact plants that are productive |
Cherry Tomatoes
| Name | Description |
 | Blush | Elongated cherry tomatoes, they start out a striped yellow and ripen with a pink blush to them. Productive plants give you sweet, fruity and refreshing fruit that you won’t be able to stop eating right off the vine. |
 | Green Grape | Small, compact plants with easy to harvest fruit that full of sweet, juicy flavor. Prolific producer. |
 | Isis Candy | Orange cherry tomato with red starburst. Very productive of small sweet, fruity tomatoes that you can just pop in your mouth. In our opinion it has better flavor that Sungolds. |
 | Pink Bumble Bee | Dark pink with yellow stripes, these little cherry tomatoes are sweet and perfect for fresh salads. |
 | Wapsipinicon Peach | A small yellow tomato with an unusually fuzzy skin. Productive plant of very, very sweet, mild fruit with a hint of peach. Husband says “sweetest tomato I’ve ever eaten.” |
Paste Tomatoes
| Name | Description |
 | San Marzano | One of the more popular paste and canning tomatoes, we decided to finally offer it again after so many people requested it. |
Slicing Tomatoes
| Name | Description |
 | Green Zebra | Small 2-1/2″-3″ salad tomato that is green with darker green stripes. Fruit is sweet and “zingy.” Very productive plant if you can find all the fruit! The light green will have a yellow hue when ripe. Makes a really good green pesto bruschetta. |
 | Moonglow | Award winning flavor packed into these bright orange tomatoes with solid, meaty flesh and mild sweetness. Keeps well. |
 | Mr. Stripey (Tigerella) | For whatever reason, many striped tomatoes tend not to have as much flavor as their solid colored compadres. I surmise that it is due to the coloring of the striped tomato being the primary focus, rather than the flavor. Mr. Stripey, fortunately, is not one of them. These are smaller salad size tomatoes with a rich, tangy flavor. |
 | Red Rose | A cross between Brandywine and Rutgers, this is a disease and crack resistant tomato with dark pink fruit. Flavor and texture is similar to Brandywine. |
 | Stupice | One of our more popular varieties. This very early tomato blew me away this year with it’s productiveness. Small tomatoes, but not quite cherry size are born as early as late June and continues through until the frost. Sweet and flavorful. |
 | Valencia | Meaty, fruit is both tangy and sweet. Ripens earlier than most orange tomatoes. |
Beefsteak Tomatoes
| Name | Description |
 | Aunt Ruby's German Green | A popular green heirloom tomato is acidic, meaty with a good old fashioned flavor. It is better tasting than most red tomatoes. How could we not give this one a try? |
 | Cherokee Purple | Dusty rose brown fruits grow up to 12 oz with sweet, acidic, meaty flesh. We get asked about this one a lot so are now offering it. |
 | Dr. Wyche's Yellow | Big, beautiful yellow beefsteak with green shoulders. Productive plant of 1lb fruits or larger. This tomato is subacid with a citrusy, sweet flavor. |
 | Hawaiian Pineapple | Very larger 1 1/2 lb pale orange fruits that have a faint pineapple flavor when ripe. Surprisingly productive for the size of fruit. |
 | Henderson's Winsall | The original Winsall variety obtained from the USDA Seed Bank. A pink beefsteak heirloom that is nearly seedless. It is a late variety but the superb flavor is worth the wait. |
 | Hillbilly | Big yellow orange beefsteak with red streaks. Husband describes it as “rich, meaty, tomato-y goodness.” The favorite tomato around here. Few seeds and very fleshy. |
 | Kellogg's Breakfast | Big orange beefsteak tomato. Similar in flavor to Dr. Wyche’s Yellow but with a bit more sweetness. |
 | Limmony | Tangy, acid tomato that is clean and crisp. Large fruits are smooth and blemish free. Productive. |
 | Soldacki | Very tasty variety with 1lb dark pink fruit. Intense flavor yet sweet on vigorous, tall plants. |
Disease Resistant Tomatoes
| Name | Description |
 | Carmello* VFNT Hybrid | This red French variety is thought to be one of the most productive varieties available, this tomatoes pumps out juicy fruits that have exceptional balanced flavor. Shows disease resistance to Verticillium wilt, Fusarium Wilt 1, Gray Leaf Spot, Nematodes, and Tobacco Mosaic Virus. |
 Charger tomato | Charger* | A determinate tomato well adapted to different weather conditions. Flavorful and prolific, this compact plant will do well in containers. Shows disease resistance to 3 types of Fusarium wilt, verticillium wilt, Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus and Gray Leaf Spot. |
I’d love to get 3 grafted tomatoes. I am too lazy to try that myself.