We’ve got lots of stuff growing and going in right now. Here’s what we have or will soon have:
Artichokes: Unknown – were already here
Asparagus: Jersey Giant, Viola
Beans: Purple Podded Pole, Speckled Cranberry, Cherokee Trail of Tears, Anasazi, Ojo de Cabra, Gold of Bacau, Romano, Blue Speckled Tepary, Kabouli Black Garbanzo
Corn: Bear Paw, Mandan Bride, Blue Aztec
Cowpeas: California
Cucumbers: Boston Pickling
Eggplants: Diamond, Caspar
Fruit Shrubs & Perennials: Aronia Berry, Heritage Raspberry, Willamette Raspberry, Chandler Strawberry, Sequoia Strawberry, Chandler Blueberry, Bluecrop Blueberry, Southmoon Blueberry, Muscat of Alexandria Grape, Ruby Seedless Grape, Chandler Black Currant, Rosa rugosa, Gooseberry, White Currant, Red Currant, Triple Crown Blackberry, Stevens Cranberry, Evergreen Huckleberry, Pineapple Guava, Prickly Pear,
Fruit & Nut Trees: Blenheim Apricot, Fuji Apple, Granny Smith Apple, (Johnny Appleseed) Cider Apple, Arkansas Black Apple, Pink Pearl Apple, Arctic Blaze Nectarine, Hosui Asian Pear, Bosc European Pear, Bing Cherry, Black Tartarian Cherry, Giant Fuyu Persimmon, Black Jack Fig, Wonderful Pomegranate, Eureka Lemon, Blood Orange, Clementine, Bearss Lime, Navel Orange, Satsuma Mandarin, Meyer Lemon, Rio Red Grapefruit, Cara Cara Orange, Illinois Everbearing Mulberry, Karp’s Sweet Quince, Monstruese de Evreinoff Medlar, Indian Free Peach, Jubileum Plum, Garden Prince Almond, Arbequina Olive, Manzanillo Olive, Strawberry Tree (Arbutus)
Garlic: Bogatyr, Metechii, Red Tochliavari, California Early White,
Herbs: Rosemary, Lemon Grass, Oregano, Marjoram, Tarragon, Summer Savory, Tricolor Sage, Mint, Thyme, Cilantro, Chives, Grandma Einck’s Dill, Lemon Balm, Comfrey, Sweet Woodruff, Italian Parsley, Cumin, Sage
Leeks: Giant of Musselburgh
Lettuce: Yugoslavian Red, Cimmaron, Tango
Melons & Watermelons: Bidwell Casaba, Noir de Carmes, Boule d’Or, Delice de la Table, Old Time Tennessee, Prescott Fond Blanc, Oranglo
Onions: Yellow of Parma, Brunswick
Other Crops:
Peas: Lincoln, Oregon Snap II
Peppers: Corne de Chevre, Serrano Tampequino, Anaheim, Cayenne Slim, Red Habanero, Sante Fe Grande, California Wonder, Orange Bell, Red Marconi, Corno di Torro Rosso, Quadrato D’Asti Giallo
Potatoes: German Butterball, Yukon Gem, All Blue, Butte, Russet Rio Grande, Desiree Kennebec White,
Pumpkins: Howden, Winter Luxury Pie
Rhubarb: Victoria, Crimson Red
Winter & Summer Squash: Marina di Chioggia, Trombocino, Zucchini-Lungo Bianco, Honeyboat Delicata, Butternut Rogosa Violina “Gioia,” Spaghetti, Triamble,
Swiss Chard:
Tomatillos: Verde
Tomatoes: Black Krim, Hillbilly Potato Leaf, Isis Candy, Kellogg’s Breakfast, Mortgage Lifter, Wapsipinicon Peach, Pineapple Heirloom, Indigo Apple, Cherokee Green, Stupice, Ivory Pear, Ananas Noir, German Strawberry, Brad’s Black Oxheart, Dr. Wychee’s Yellow